Plan an SEC Event

Contact Us

This form should be completed one year prior to any event on the calendar.

You don't need to complete this form if the event is:

  • part of a regular scheduled service (Sunday 9:15 AM, 11:00 AM, 6:00 PM, Wednesday 6:30 PM)
  • a recurring weekly ministry event, such as a Bible study or small group.

** All fields are required. **

  1. Click submit to send these details to the Executive Team for approval.  If additional information is needed, you will be contacted by a member of the Executive Team.
  2. Once the event is approved, the information will be passed to Lauren Summerfelt, who will ask you to complete an Internal Facilities Request  form.
  3. When you submit that form, Lauren will approve the event and finalize the room and equipment reservations.
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